All Pigs Must Die

All Pigs Must Die is a highly influential band in the hardcore and metal scene. Formed in 2009, their music combines elements of crust punk, sludge metal, and d-beat to create a unique and aggressive sound. With their intense live performances and thought-provoking lyrics, *All Pigs Must Die* has gained a dedicated following around the world.

Similar to bands such as Black Breath, Dead in the Dirt, and Young And In The Way, *All Pigs Must Die* delivers raw energy and relentless heaviness. Their music explores themes of societal decay, personal struggles, and political unrest. With each release, they continue to push boundaries and challenge listeners with their uncompromising sound.

*All Pigs Must Die* has shared stages with notable acts like Baptists, Cursed, Enabler, Torch Runner, Full Of Hell, Oathbreaker,and Mammoth Grinder among others. They have also been associated with renowned bands like Trap Them,Nails,Rise And Fall,and Weekend Nachos.


All Pigs Must Die



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