M. Geddes Gengras

Over the last decade, M. Geddes Gengras has released wide-ranging, synth-focused music in both solo and collaborative settings. He has participated in experimental groups like Sun Araw, Pocahaunted, Robedoor, and Akron/Family. Along with Sun Araw’s Cameron Stallones and Alex Gray, and a host of Jamaican singers and artists, Gengras continues to combine dub and electronic music under the name Duppy Gun – a project which included a collaboration called Icon Give Thank with roots reggae band The Congos.

M. Geddes Gengras is known for his unique approach to synthesizer-based music. With an impressive discography spanning various genres and collaborations with notable experimental artists such as Sun Araw and Akron/Family, he has established himself as a versatile musician in the industry.

His involvement in projects like Duppy Gun showcases his ability to blend elements of dub and electronic music seamlessly. In collaboration with Cameron Stallones from Sun Araw and Alex Gray alongside talented Jamaican singers and artists, they have created captivating compositions that push boundaries within these genres.


M. Geddes Gengras



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