Mutoid Man

Mutoid Man is an American rock band that was formed in 2012 by Steve Brodsky and Ben Koller. In late 2013, Nick Cageao joined as their bassist. After 8 years with the group, Cagaeo announced his departure in May 2021. Jeff Matz was announced as their new bassist in August 2021.

With a unique blend of heavy riffs, catchy melodies, and energetic performances, Mutoid Man has gained a dedicated following in the rock music scene. Their music is known for its raw intensity and infectious hooks that leave audiences craving more.

Having released several critically acclaimed albums and toured extensively around the world, Mutoid Man continues to push boundaries and captivate fans with their electrifying live shows. With their latest lineup change, they are poised to embark on a new chapter of creativity and musical exploration.


Mutoid Man



Am relevantesten
Album artwork for Mutants by Mutoid man


Mutoid man

17,99 € - 39,99 €