Sterling Roswell

Sterling Roswell is a multi-instrumentalist hailing from Rugby, UK. With roots that stretch from Rome, Italy to London, UK, Roswell has cultivated a unique sound that blends various musical influences into his own distinctive style.

As an artist, *Sterling Roswell* draws inspiration from a diverse range of genres and artists. His music shares similarities with the likes of Spectrum, Lorelle Meets The Obsolete, Kid's Garden, and Volta Sound among others. This eclectic mix of influences allows Roswell to create music that is both familiar yet refreshingly original.

With his mastery of multiple instruments and his ability to seamlessly blend different styles together, *Sterling Roswell* has established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Whether performing solo or collaborating with other talented musicians, his performances are always captivating and full of energy.


Sterling Roswell



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