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Your Heart Breaks

Songs of musician, filmmaker, and visual artist Clyde Peterson and a shifting roster of collaborators.

Your Heart Breaks is an artist whose music spans multiple genres, including indie rock, folk punk, and lo-fi pop. With heartfelt lyrics and catchy melodies, their songs captivate listeners with their raw emotion and vulnerability. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences and social issues, Your Heart Breaks creates music that resonates with audiences on a deep level.

Similar to artists like Spoonboy, Madeline, and The Max Levine Ensemble, Your Heart Breaks offers a unique blend of introspective storytelling and infectious hooks. Their discography features collaborations with various musicians who bring diverse perspectives to the table. Fans of Nana Grizol, Defiance Ohio, or Ghost Mice will find solace in the poetic lyricism and DIY spirit present in Your Heart Breaks' music.


Your Heart Breaks



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