Hallow Ground

HALLOW GROUND is a platform for Music and Art that leads to Visions. Established in Lucerne, Switzerland in 2013, they serve as publishers, hosts, and performers. With a commitment to showcasing innovative and boundary-pushing music, HALLOW GROUND has become a prominent force in the music industry. Their roster of *artists* includes some of the most exciting and experimental talents from around the world. Through their unique approach to curating and promoting music, HALLOW GROUND continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in both sound and art.

At HALLOW GROUND, they understand that music is not just about listening; it's about experiencing. They strive to create an immersive environment where *artists* can freely express themselves through their craft. By providing a platform for these visionary creators, HALLOW GROUND aims to inspire audiences with thought-provoking performances that challenge traditional notions of sound.

As both publishers and hosts, HALLOW GROUND takes pride in their ability to discover emerging talent while also supporting established *performers*. Their dedication to nurturing creativity has led them to collaborate with renowned artists across various genres. By fostering these connections between musicians and visual artists, HALLOW GROUND creates multi-dimensional experiences that engage all senses.


Hallow Ground



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