Journeyman Records

Tops Music Enterprises, also known as Journeyman Records, was formed in Los Angeles in 1947 by Carl Doshay and Sam Dickerman. Originally selling used jukebox records, the company entered the record business by releasing affordable cover versions. With the hiring of producer Dave Pell and recording established artists like Lena Horne and Mel Tormé, Tops thrived during the rise of 45 RPM singles and LPs. However, a series of bad decisions led to bankruptcy and acquisition by Pickwick International in 1963.

Throughout its history, Tops Music Enterprises released records under various labels such as Tops Records, MayFair, and Golden Tone. Despite different names, these releases often contained the same content and shared release information. The company's address was later acquired by the Bihari Brothers when they went bankrupt.

Although faced with challenges along the way, Journeyman Records left an indelible mark on the music industry with its affordable recordings and support for both emerging talents and established artists past their prime.


Journeyman Records



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