Ikon is a sister video label of [l857], founded in June 1980 as a video arm for the label. It was initially created to film the label's bands for potential broadcast and later started releasing and distributing videos. The label was led by [a1302136] alone at first, but later joined by [a4462479], [a3989456], and Tim Chambers. In 1989, Ikon became independent but unfortunately went down along with Factory in 1992.
Aside from their video releases, Ikon also offered non-video cat. nos., known as "Kino Peripherals." These included various merchandise such as t-shirts, posters, baseball caps, and more featuring logos or artwork related to artists like *Biting Tongues*, *Severed Heads*, *Buzzcocks*, and *O Yuki Conjugate*. Some of these items were associated with specific videos released by Ikon.
While some details about certain cat. nos., including IKON 11, 28, 32-34, and 37 remain unknown, Ikon's contribution to the music industry during its existence is undeniable.