Alain Goraguer

Alain Goraguer was a French jazz pianist, composer, and arranger. He collaborated with renowned artists such as Boris Vian, Serge Gainsbourg, and Jean Ferrat. Notably, he worked as an arranger and conductor in the Eurovision Song Contest multiple times. In 1965, he led the orchestra for France Gall's iconic song 'Poupée de cire, poupée de son'. Additionally, Goraguer composed numerous film soundtracks under the alias Paul Vernon. His contributions to music will forever be remembered.

Alain Goraguer was born on August 20th, 1931 in Rosny-sous-Bois. Throughout his career, he showcased his exceptional talent as a jazz pianist and gained recognition for his skills as a composer and arranger.

Goraguer's collaborations with influential artists like Boris Vian, Serge Gainsbourg, and Jean Ferrat further solidified his reputation in the music industry. His work extended beyond individual projects; he also served as an arranger and conductor in prestigious events such as the Eurovision Song Contest.


Alain Goraguer
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