Department Of Eagles

Fred Nicolaus and Daniel Rossen met in 2000 during their freshman year at New York University. They began experimenting with samples, recording software, and guitars, creating music that blended symphonic and electronic pop with folk influences. Initially intended for friends only, their debut EP "Mo' Tussin" was released by California indie label Isota Records in 2002. Changing their project's name to Department of Eagles, they released "The Cold Nose" in the UK in 2005. In 2007, they released their album "In Ear Park," inspired by Rossen's late father.

During this time, Rossen also joined Grizzly Bear and contributed to their breakthrough album "Yellow House." Department of Eagles continued to work on tracks and released the odds-and-ends EP "A Johnny Glaze Christmas: Classical Snatches and Samples a Go-Go" in 2006. Their collection "Archive 2003-2006," featuring tracks from their aborted sophomore album as well as pieces later used by Grizzly Bear, arrived in 2010.

With a unique blend of genres and musical experimentation, Department of Eagles has left a lasting impact on the indie music scene. Their atmospheric soundscapes combined with intimate folk elements have garnered them critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base.


Department Of Eagles
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