Hilton Felton

Hilton Felton was an American jazz musician and composer. He was born on January 1, 1947 in Norfolk, Virginia and passed away on February 13, 2007 in Washington, D.C. Known for his exceptional talent and contribution to the jazz genre, Felton left a lasting impact on the music industry.

Throughout his career, Hilton Felton collaborated with various renowned artists such as Michael Longo, The Lyman Woodard Organization, Henry Franklin, Daniel Salinas, The 13th Floor, Gene Russell, Lamont Johnson, Joe Thomas, Cleveland Eaton, Les DeMerle,Marcus Belgrave, Calvin Keys,Roy Porter Sound Machine,Marcos Resende,Ramon Morris,Rusty Bryant,Mike Longo ,The Rhythm Combination & Brass,O'Donel Levy,and Jorge Dalto.

Felton's unique style and musicality continue to inspire aspiring musicians and jazz enthusiasts worldwide. His legacy lives on through his timeless compositions and unforgettable performances.


Hilton Felton
Type de produit


Date de sortie

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