Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson was an American journalist and author known for his manic first-person writing style, which earned him the title of the master of Gonzo journalism. Born in 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky, he gained fame through his novel "Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas," where he introduced the character Dr. Gonzo. Thompson's world was filled with drugs, guns, and a rebellious attitude that fueled his unique perspective on events like the fall of Saigon.

In his book "Kingdom Of Fear," Thompson shared stories about a raid on his fortified home in Woody Creek, where police discovered a drug hoard and dynamite. Tragically, Thompson took his own life at home in 2005. His funeral was organized by a close friend and featured an unconventional ceremony that fulfilled Thompson's last wishes - firing his ashes from a cannon mounted on a tower shaped like a two-thumbed fist holding a peyote mushroom.

Thompson's work continues to inspire artists today and is often associated with other influential figures such as Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, and many more.


Hunter S. Thompson
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