Jack J

American sound engineer Jack J. is a highly respected figure in the music industry, specializing in sound, mastering, and lacquer cutting. With an impressive career spanning multiple decades, he has worked with renowned companies such as MGM, Liberty Studios, JVC Cutting Center, and Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab.

Jack J.'s expertise can be seen in his meticulous attention to detail when it comes to the technical aspects of music production. His contributions are often credited under initials that may be mistaken for other names but should be recognized as his own unique ANVs (Artist Name Variations).

For the "Lacquer Cut By" credit, look out for ANVs such as "J.H." or "J.H./2," which should be attributed to Jack J. Similarly, if you come across the initials "JG/2," remember that it represents a collaboration between Jack J. and Gary.


Jack J
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