577 Records

577 Records is an independent record label based in New York City. Since its establishment in 2001, the label has been committed to promoting and supporting improvised music and creativity. With a passion for pushing boundaries and exploring new sonic territories, *577 Records* has become a renowned name within the music industry.

As an advocate for artistic freedom, *577 Records* provides a platform for talented musicians to express themselves authentically through their craft. The label's diverse roster of artists showcases a wide range of genres including jazz, experimental, avant-garde, and more. Each release is carefully curated to ensure that listeners are exposed to innovative sounds that challenge conventional norms.

With over two decades of experience in the industry, *577 Records* has built a reputation for delivering high-quality recordings that capture the essence of live performances. Their dedication to producing exceptional sound quality allows listeners to fully immerse themselves in the raw energy and emotion conveyed by each artist on their roster.


Type de produit
577 Records


Date de sortie

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