Nicholas Carras

Nicholas Carras was an American composer, arranger, conductor, violinist, and voice actor. Born on January 31st, 1922 in Donora, Pennsylvania, he made significant contributions to the music industry throughout his career. With a diverse range of talents and skills, Carras left a lasting impact on various genres.

Throughout his life, Nicholas Carras worked alongside renowned artists such as Herb Schoenbohm's Quintet Ipanema, Something Weird, Jack Costanzo, Combustible Edison, The Pyramids, Les Baxter, The Bomboras, The Tornadoes Martin Denny ,The Tikiyaki Orchestra Riz Ortolani Satan's Pilgrims ,The Chantays Arthur Lyman Man Or Astro-Man?. His collaborations with these talented performers showcased his versatility and ability to adapt to different musical styles.

Carras' remarkable career spanned several decades until his passing on November 23rd in 2006. His legacy lives on through his timeless compositions and memorable performances that continue to captivate audiences worldwide.


Nicholas Carras



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