Senses Fail

Senses Fail is an American post-hardcore band that was founded in 2002 in Ridgewood, New Jersey. With their unique sound and powerful lyrics, they have become a prominent figure in the music industry. Their music resonates with fans of similar artists such as From First To Last, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and Aiden.

Over the years, Senses Fail has released several successful albums and gained a dedicated fan base. Their raw energy and emotional performances have made them a force to be reckoned with on stage. They have toured extensively, captivating audiences around the world.

With influences from bands like Silverstein, Finch, and A Static Lullaby, Senses Fail's music combines heavy guitar riffs with melodic hooks. Their songs tackle personal struggles and societal issues with honesty and vulnerability. Fans of post-hardcore will find solace in their powerful anthems.


Senses Fail



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