Suicidal Tendencies

Suicidal Tendencies is a US-based hardcore punk and metal band formed in 1981 by vocalist Mike Muir. With Muir as the only constant member, the group started off as a hardcore punk act and gained unexpected success with their self-titled debut album in 1983. The band faced a ban on live performances in Los Angeles due to concerns about crowd violence, which lasted until the early 1990s. By the late 1980s, Suicidal Tendencies had evolved into a thrash metal band with funk influences.

In 1995, the group announced their split after enjoying commercial success. However, they were resurrected by Mike Muir and Mike Clark in 1996 with new members. Despite releasing limited music since reuniting, Suicidal Tendencies continues to perform today.

Throughout their career, Mike Muir has fronted various side-projects such as Los Cycos, No Mercy, Infectious Grooves, and his own solo act called Cyco Miko. These projects often feature other members of Suicidal Tendencies.


Suicidal Tendencies



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