The Langan Band

The Langan Band is a dynamic and innovative musical group that defies categorization. Led by multi-instrumentalist and composer David Langan, the band seamlessly blends elements of folk, jazz, world music, and electronica to create a truly unique sound. With their virtuosic musicianship and captivating live performances, The Langan Band has gained a loyal following around the world. Their albums [album name] and [album name] have received critical acclaim for their intricate compositions and infectious energy. Whether you're a fan of traditional folk or experimental electronic music, The Langan Band is sure to captivate your ears.

David Langan's musical journey began at an early age when he started playing guitar and piano. He honed his skills studying classical composition before venturing into the world of improvisation and experimentation. Drawing inspiration from artists like John Martyn, Björk, and Joni Mitchell, Langan developed his own unique style that pushes boundaries while remaining accessible.

With their eclectic influences and boundary-pushing approach to music-making, The Langan Band continues to push the envelope in the contemporary music scene. Their genre-defying sound appeals to fans across all musical spectrums, making them one of the most exciting acts in today's music landscape.


The Langan Band



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Album artwork for Plight O' Sheep by The Langan Band

Plight O' Sheep

The Langan Band

17,99 € - 39,99 €