Charif Megarbane

Charif Megarbane is a Lebanese producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. With a passion for music that spans genres and cultures, Charif has become known for his unique sound and ability to blend different musical styles seamlessly. From his early days playing in local bands to his current success as a solo artist, Charif's talent and dedication have made him a respected figure in the music industry.

Throughout his career, Charif has released numerous albums and singles that showcase his diverse range of musical influences. Whether it's fusing traditional Middle Eastern melodies with electronic beats or incorporating elements of jazz into his compositions, Charif's music always captivates listeners with its innovative approach.

In addition to his work as a musician, Charif is also an accomplished producer, having collaborated with various artists from around the world. His keen ear for detail and ability to bring out the best in others' music have earned him praise from both fellow musicians and critics alike.


Charif Megarbane
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Most Relevant
Album artwork for Marzipan by Charif Megarbane


Charif Megarbane

16,99 € - 29,99 €