Code Orange

Code Orange is a renowned band hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Originally known as "Code Orange Kids," the group was formed in 2008 and later changed their name to simply "Code Orange" in 2014. With a distinct sound that blends elements of hardcore punk, metalcore, and alternative metal, Code Orange has made a significant impact on the music scene.

Inspired by their diverse musical influences, Code Orange has crafted a unique and powerful sound that resonates with fans worldwide. Their intense live performances and thought-provoking lyrics have garnered them a dedicated following.

Similar artists who share Code Orange's passion for pushing boundaries include Jesus Piece, Left Behind, Twitching Tongues, Angel Du$t, Incendiary, Judiciary, Nails, Inclination, Employed To Serve,Boundaries Full Of Hell,Knocked Loose Varials Expire Great American Ghost Bent Life Harms Way Sanction Xibalba END


Code Orange
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Album artwork for Above by Code Orange


Code Orange

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