Kevin Drumm

Kevin Drumm is an avant-garde tabletop guitarist known for his innovative experiments with prepared guitar. Born and raised in South Holland, IL in 1970, Drumm began his musical journey playing in rock bands before moving to Chicago in 1991. It was there that he started exploring the possibilities of distorting the sound of the guitar by using objects such as magnets, binder clips, chains, a violin bow, and even toenail clippers.

Drumm quickly became involved in Chicago's improv community and collaborated with notable musicians like *Jim O'Rourke* and *Ken Vandermark*. In 1997, he released his first solo album titled "Kevin Drumm" (Perdition Plastics). Since then, he has worked on various duo projects with artists like *Taku Sugimoto*, *Axel Dörner*, *Martin Tètreault*, and *Ralf Wehowsky*.

Known for seamlessly blending acoustic and electronic sounds, Kevin Drumm's music explores a wide range of styles while always maintaining a strong sense of musicality. His chameleon-like presence can be heard on numerous projects where he collaborates with renowned performers including Phill Niblock, Tony Conrad, MIMEO, Mats Gustafsson, John Butcher, Thomas Ankersmit, Taku Sugimoto and many others.


Kevin Drumm
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Album artwork for Og23 by Kevin Drumm


Kevin Drumm

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