Margo Guryan

Margo Guryan was an American songwriter, singer, musician, and lyricist. She was born on September 20, 1937 in Hempstead, New York and passed away on November 8, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. In the 1960s, she briefly married a fellow artist and later became the wife of David Rosner from 1970 until his death in 2017. Margo also worked as a secretary/assistant to Creed Taylor during that time.

Known for her unique style and captivating melodies, Margo Guryan's music has left a lasting impact on the industry. Her songs have been compared to those of artists such as The Millennium, Emitt Rhodes, Triste Janero, and many others. With her soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics, Margo created a sound that resonated with audiences around the world.

Although she may no longer be with us physically, Margo Guryan's legacy lives on through her timeless music. Her contributions to the music industry will always be remembered and cherished by fans worldwide.


Margo Guryan
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Most Relevant
Album artwork for Words and Music  by Margo Guryan

Words and Music

Margo Guryan

32,99 € - 92,99 €

Album artwork for Take A Picture by Margo Guryan

Take A Picture

Margo Guryan

16,99 € - 29,99 €