Tiken Jah Fakoly

Tiken Jah Fakoly is an Ivorian reggae singer, born on June 23, 1968 in Odienné. With his powerful voice and thought-provoking lyrics, he has become a prominent figure in the reggae music scene. Inspired by legendary artists such as Bob Marley and Alpha Blondy, Tiken Jah Fakoly uses his music to address social and political issues in Africa.

His unique blend of reggae rhythms with traditional African sounds sets him apart from other artists in the genre. Tiken Jah Fakoly's music resonates with listeners around the world, spreading messages of peace, unity, and hope. His captivating performances have earned him a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.

If you enjoy the music of Danakil, Groundation, Dub Inc, or any of the other talented performers similar to *Tiken Jah Fakoly*, then you are sure to appreciate his soulful melodies and meaningful lyrics. Explore his discography today and experience the power of his music for yourself.


Tiken Jah Fakoly
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Album artwork for Mangécratie by Tiken Jah Fakoly


Tiken Jah Fakoly

16,99 € - 29,99 €

Album artwork for Acoustic by Tiken Jah Fakoly


Tiken Jah Fakoly

19,99 € - 37,99 €

Album artwork for Cours d'histoire by Tiken Jah Fakoly

Cours d'histoire

Tiken Jah Fakoly

16,99 € - 37,99 €