Please note, some Mute issues also carry an EMI logo. This is not a label and EMI should not be added as a label, it instead indicates that Mute was part of the EMI Group. Founded in 1978 by [a=Daniel Miller], Mute (also known as [l36339]) releases various forms of music, with an emphasis on electronic and experimental pop. In May 2002 the label was acquired by the [l=EMI Group]. In 2010 Miller did an agreement with EMI to handle Mute as an independent label again, licensing the trademark from EMI via his company [l=Mute Artists Ltd.], but EMI kept the rights over Mute's back catalogue. After the EMI Group was dissolved, in 2012 [l206061] acquired [l636]'s back catalogue. Branch offices exist in Germany ([l168349]) and in North America ([l36296]). Mute has spawned many regional and special-interest sublabels, some of which are still active. One offshoot, [l=Parallel Series], even became independent of [l636] Mute also operates Mute Bank Mail Order, which sells the label's merchandise directly to consumers. Mute Bank published two issues of [i]Mute Statement[/i], a softcover book that details the entire discography of the label and includes band profiles and photos of release artwork. Another label strongly associated with Mute is [l=Toast Hawaii], run by [a=Depeche Mode]'s [a=Andrew Fletcher]. Label code: [b]LC 05834[/b] / [b]LC 5834[/b] ‘[b]P[/b]’, included to the catalog numbers, generally stand for promo copies. ‘[b]L[/b]’, included to the catalog numbers, generally stand for limited editions.