Robb Johnson

Robb Johnson is an English singer-songwriter and guitarist known for his unique blend of punk-folk music. With a career spanning several decades, he has established himself as a prominent figure in the folk music scene.

Influenced by artists such as Leon Rosselson, Roy Bailey, and Miranda Sykes, Robb Johnson's music resonates with audiences who appreciate thought-provoking lyrics and captivating melodies. His powerful storytelling ability shines through in songs that tackle social and political issues with depth and sincerity.

Whether performing solo or collaborating with talented musicians like Attila The Stockbroker and Janet Russell, Robb Johnson's live performances are always engaging and memorable. He has shared stages with renowned acts including The Young'uns, Bob Fox, Commoners Choir, Grace Petrie, Jim Woodland, Frankie Armstrong, David Rovics, Nancy Kerr, Reg Meuross, Alistair Hulett, Joe Solo,Dick Gaughan,Martin Simpson ,John Kirkpatrick,and June Tabor.


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