Sonic Youth
Sonic Youth, formed in New York City in 1981, is a highly influential band that emerged from the No-Wave music scene. Comprised of Thurston Moore, Lee Ranaldo, Kim Gordon, and Richard Edson initially, they later added drummer Steve Shelley. With their roots in experimental music and collaborations with Glenn Branca, Sonic Youth has consistently pushed boundaries throughout their career.
Over the years, Sonic Youth recorded 15 albums together and embarked on various side and solo projects. Their work is known for its challenging and innovative nature, making them one of the most intriguing bands of their time. The album "Sonic Nurse," featuring Jim O'Rourke's talents alongside the band members', further solidified their reputation.
In 2011, Sonic Youth went on an indefinite hiatus following the separation of Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore after nearly three decades of marriage. Despite this setback, their impact on alternative rock remains undeniable.