The Dodos

The Dodos are an American indie rock band, founded in 2005. Known for their unique blend of folk and experimental rock, *The Dodos* have gained a dedicated following with their energetic live performances and heartfelt lyrics.

Inspired by artists such as Born Ruffians, Menomena, and Grizzly Bear, *The Dodos* have carved out their own distinct sound that captivates audiences worldwide. With each album release, they continue to push the boundaries of indie rock, creating music that is both innovative and emotionally resonant.

From their early days playing small venues to touring internationally, *The Dodos* have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Their infectious melodies and intricate guitar work have earned them critical acclaim and a devoted fan base.


The Dodos
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Album artwork for Grizzly Peak by The Dodos

Grizzly Peak

The Dodos

£12.99 - £22.99

Album artwork for Individ by The Dodos


The Dodos

£6.99 - £19.99