Strawberry was a renowned mastering and lacquer cutting studio based in London, UK. Established in May 1978 and operating until 1983, it was founded by Eric Graham and Graham Gouldman of the iconic band 10cc. The studio was a brainchild of their manager Ric Dixon, along with Melvyn Abrahams and David Moores as managing directors. Designed by Tom Hidley, Strawberry boasted state-of-the-art facilities and became one of the most highly regarded mastering studios in the UK.
At Strawberry, records were cut using top-notch equipment including the Neumann VMS 70 lathe with Ortofon CPS cutting control unit and Ortofon cutter head. The expertise of talented engineers like Julian Mills, Melvyn Abrahams, Sean Davies, Steve Rooke, and Jack Adams contributed to the studio's exceptional sound quality. Their dedication ensured that Strawberry stood out as a go-to destination for artists seeking superior mastering services.
In addition to its main name, Strawberry also appeared on releases as "Strawberry Mastering Lounge." It is important not to confuse this label with other studios such as Strawberry Studios South in Dorking or Strawberry Studios France in Hérouville. With its rich history spanning from 1978 to 1983, Strawberry remains an influential player in the music industry during its prime years.