A black metal band from Bergen, Norway, Immortal was founded in August 1990 by Abbath Doom Occulta (Olve Eikemo) and Demonaz Doom Occulta (Harald Nævdal). After splitting up in 2003, the band reformed in 2006 and began performing live again in 2007. In December 2014, a legal feud over the rights to the Immortal name arose between Eikemo and Nævdal/Horghagen. As a result, Abbath announced that Immortal would be put on hold while he pursued his solo career using his own name. However, Demonaz and Horgh decided to continue as Immortal without him. Another legal dispute occurred in August 2020 between Demonaz and Horgh regarding the rights to the band's name. The Norwegian Patent Office ruled that the rights belong to the band as a whole.