The Plot In You
The Plot in You is an American metalcore band formed in 2010 in Hancock County, Ohio. Originally a side project of former Before Their Eyes member Landon Tewers, the group consists of Tewers on lead vocals, Josh Childress on guitar, and Ethan Yoder on bass. They have released 1 EP, 5 studio albums, and 8 music videos.
With their intense sound and powerful lyrics, The Plot in You has become a force to be reckoned with in the metalcore scene. Led by the dynamic vocals of Landon Tewers, their music combines heavy guitar riffs and pounding drums to create a unique and captivating sound.
Over the years, The Plot in You has gained a dedicated fanbase through their electrifying live performances and honest songwriting. With hits like [insert popular songs here], they have solidified themselves as one of the leading bands in the genre.