
Munster Records is a Spanish label founded by CEO [a1905630] and [a1187670]. The label originated in 1983 as a fanzine called "[l103736]", which later evolved into the renowned Munster Records. As a division of Distrolux SL, Munster Records is closely affiliated with sister label Vampi Soul. With their expertise in compilation and production, they have consistently delivered exceptional music to their audience.

Based in Santurtzi - Santurce (Bizcaia - Vizcaya), [a1728375] manages Munsterama distribution under Weirdo Musika, S.L. company. While operating independently from Munster Records, this separate entity plays an integral role in the success of the label.

If you are looking for high-quality music that spans various genres and eras, look no further than Munster Records. Their dedication to discovering unique talent and delivering exceptional releases has made them a trusted name among music enthusiasts worldwide.


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Album artwork for GG Session by Los Mac's

GG Session

Los Mac's

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Red Brocade

Nikki Sudden

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